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How to Make Cookies

Views: 8     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-07-17      Origin: Site

How to Make Cookies

Whether you call them cookies or biscuits, everyone loves them just the same. Cookies come in thousands of shapes, sizes, and flavors, and they're relatively easy to make. With our cookie press, it's easy to turn out attractively shaped cookies in minutes. Formed into holiday patters and decorated with colored crystal sugars or confectioners' sugar icing, they're just the thing for a special occasion.


250g    unsalted butter, at room temperature

250g    guanulated sugar

1          egg

0.5       teaspoon salt

315g    allpurpose flour, sifted before measuring


Step 1: put the butter into a bowl and cook the butter for 2 minutes.

Step 2: pour the butter in a large bowl and mix with flour,egg, saltand sugar.

Step 3: knead them into dough

Step 4: pack the dough into the cookie press.Fit the desired design plate.Press the dough onto ungreased baking sheets spacing the cookis .

Step 5: Put them in the oven and cook for forty minutes.


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